Bihe “Ellie” Hu

Bihe “Ellie” Hu
Ellie received her BS and MS in Biomedical Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, where she focused on trans-genetic mouse brain embedding with resin and high-throughput brain imaging using various fluorescent microscopes. Currently as a Ph.D. student at Tulane, her research interest is to optimize inverted Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (iSPIM) using electronic confocal slit detection (eCSD) and structured illumination (SI) for 3D imaging of large samples, such as prostate cancer biospecimens, breast tumors, nerves-on-a-chip, cultured vascular networks, and so on. She also combines iSPIM with optical clearing methods, such as TDE clearing and CLARITY, for thick tissue imaging.
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