Allosteric Control of Self-Assembly: Modulating the Formation of Guanine Quadruplexes through Orthogonal Aromatic Interactions

Jayawickramarajah, J.; Tagore, D.; Tsou, L.; Hamilton, A. Allosteric Control of Self-Assembly: Modulating the Formation of Guanine Quadruplexes through Orthogonal Aromatic Interactions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2007, 46, 7583-7586.


Picked as 'hot-paper' by the editors


All four one: The covalent attachment (A) of a porphyrin head group onto a guanine-rich oligonucleotide strand can enhance the self-assembly of DNA quadruplexes through porphyrin-based π–π interactions (B). Modulation of these allosteric interactions, by addition of a porphyrin-complexing cyclodextrin derivative, allows for a high degree of control over the formation and disassembly of the guanine quadruplexes (C and D).

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Last updated on 07/01/2024